User Agreement
Using the website represents your acceptance to comply with the rules that have been cited on this page. You shall not continue to use this fun88 and leave immediately if you do not want to agree and obey the following terms of Use.
User Responsibilities
All rules cited on this page are for the user’s acceptance and complement of the terms necessary for the provision of our services in accordance with laws and regulations. You accept the responsibility to comply with the applicable laws, regulations, and rules before using this fun88.
You shall agree not to do any of the following:
- A.1. Post, or transfer any content to and from this website that in any sense is abusive, harmful, offensive, vulgar, foul, defamatory, or disagreeable;
- A.2. Use language or content that might violate the privacy, intellectual property, publicity, or any other proprietary rights of other users and employees of this website;
- A.3. Upload any content or information that might be infected with viruses, trojans, shells, backdoors, worms, or any other program that can pose a threat to this website;
- B. Try to use any means or services to disrupt the interface or systems of this website in order to get unauthorized access to any page, information, portion, servers, systems, or networks of this website;
- C. Use false identity by providing us or any other users of this website with false information. You shall not try to use false information to impersonate any other person or organization;
- D. Sell any content, services, the information contained or downloaded from this website;
- E. Duplicate, reproduce, distribute, rent, or sub-license any material information or services contained on this
Services and Advertising
Parts of our website use a reasonable level of commercial space. However, fun88 does not handle, filter, edit, publish, or review any commercial or advertising posters appearing on those commercial spaces; therefore, fun88 should not be held responsible for any or all loss of revenue, data, identity, revenue, profits, finance, indirect, or any other punitive damages.
We are only responsible for the amount that a user has paid us to use our services on this website only under these terms and conditions while complying with the laws. Otherwise, we shall not be liable for any of the unforeseeable damages or losses.
Theft and Copyrights
fun88 fun88 India owns, manages, writes, or acquires all of the content, material, and information contained on this website except for the specified. Any user trying to reproduce, duplicate, sell, license, or rent any part of the information or material will be required to acquire express permission from our legal team.
Aggregated Statistics
fun88 might collect and analyze statistics about the behavior of visitors to provide better services. We might pass this information to third parties to analyze and generate the results. However, your personal information will not be passed, shared, or published on any third party or public platform.